This is a revolution which was sparked off by women and which unites all the ethnic, religious, and social parts of the population; a revolution for a free and worthy life, liberated from the ruling of hateful autocrats who have used every tool for suppression, oppression and atrocity; from terror to prison and execution to suppress the people of Iran and to bury them and their dreams of a decent life. We call on the Iranian authorities to immediately and unconditionally stop the use of any force and violence, to release “all those arrested during the protests, and to allow the people of Iran to design the society they wish to live in. We encourage all film and culture institutions around the world to do the same.

Human beings are members of a whole, 

In creation of one essence and soul. 

If one member is afflicted with pain, 

Other members uneasy will remain.

If you’ve no sympathy for human pain,

The name of human you cannot retain!

— Saadi —
