We represent literary and theatre authors, illustrators, screenwriters and directors. We collect and distribute for them such rights as audiovisual, performing, reprography, private copying and public lending rights.

By means of a reciprocal agreement with SACD and SCAM, we are able to collect royalties abroad.

We strive to uphold a unique position by providing professional advice through a transparent and open communication, as well as supporting our members’ work by promotion on an (inter)national level. We are there for present at various networking events at home and abroad. Next to this, we also act as a mediator, offering legal advice to our members, and have a deposit service.

The board of directors is composed only of authors who represent their specialized area, in accordance with the various categories that deAuteurs represents.

Would you like to know more about our operation and activities?

Barbara Cardoen
Deputy director & account manager
T +32 (0)2 551 03 45